Friday, May 2, 2008


Can you name your church practices that were once infused with life and purpose but today have no intrinsic relationship to faith, are devoid of meaning, and separate you from your mission? 


Anonymous said...

Much of the Sunday morning service, to me, is an excercise in futility, which is alot of the reason why I don't attend anymore. It just feels like we're playing church. Okay, I realize that I'm probably going to be crucified for saying it, but there has to be something better, more real. I guess it is different for everybody. Everyone has their own way to worship. So don't be hating on me for being honest. I love my pastor and it is NO reflection on him at all, more of a comment on how our traditions get in the way of true worship.

Red Letter girl said...

You can't get crucified if you're anonymous...

Hillary said...

anonymous...what would your ideal 'church' service consist of?

TheologyMom said...

I agree with Anonymous in some ways and I'm the pastor's wife...I am often inspired by what I hear or do, but it isn't a huge part of my life, plus when you are in charge of part of the service, its hard to relax and allow God to speak, so that is hard for me.

I love what my friend's church does where 2 Sundays per month is a more "traditional service", one Sunday, they meet around tables by communities and have breakfast together and the fourth Sunday they go out in the community in some sort of service project...I just wonder if that would help me feel more connected to the people I sit in pews with...Don't know if that answers the original question at all...

Anonymous said...

I see truth in what you all say - and I am the pastor - perhaps we should put heads together - and come up with something better.

Anonymous said...

what do you think of this place?.....Mark

Red Letter girl said...

Anonymous is reaching out...I want her involved...the deepest desire of my heart is that we change the world's so hard for me to forge into the future and know my sister is not in front of me or behind me!