Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Dreams, Hopes & Hesitations

I have a dream, a very lofty dream but a dream all the same. I have confessed this goal of mine to a few people and now I am putting it out there for the multitudes...possibly as a way to keep me accountable and also as a way to get information about what the heck I am getting into, in case anyone might know. 

So, what is this goal you may be asking yourself? If you can't tell by the picture to the left...I would LOVE to open, run and work at a free medical clinic! I have been thinking and praying about this for about 3 years.  I am excited, scared and hesitant about the possibility of this becoming reality. Despite my fears and hesitation I really feel that I need to make it happen.  

I am lucky enough to attend a church that supports and encourages these lofty dreams. In fact, they have had a few of their own that have come to fruition. It gives me hope and I know God has placed me here in this place for a reason. 

I ask my faithful blog readers (all 2 of you) to please pray with me about this. Keep me accountable through this process. I have included a LINK to a story of a woman that has accomplished something similar. It is very inspirational. 

 I also need to name the free clinic, I think naming it will inspire the process even further. I am taking suggestions! 


Anonymous said...

Wow, a free medical clinic is an awesome thing!!! Not exactly a small undertaking. Would you start out with a limited set of services? Where would it be?

You can count on my prayers. Also, feel free to bounce ideas off me. Starting and managing "new corporate initiatives" is what I do. I have lots of ideas.


Anonymous said...

Oh, you should post this as an initiative on if you haven't already. Get the support built up, and that will start the ball rolling.


Hillary said...

Thanks Brad! I knew there was reason I posted the ideas! We need to get together and cohort sometime.

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, horting together is a good thing. Can one use "hort" like that? What is the definition of cohort if it is not people "horting" together.

TheologyMom said...

I love this idea Hillary! I will definately be praying with you about it...